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Jihadi Khan
Jan 31, 2022
In Welcome to the Q&A Forum
Unless you have a brand-new site, you will have problem posts on your website. Run a proper content audit to get rid of bad apples (read: thin special leads content, old stuff). Hunter Branch from Rank Tree, when faced with a similar dilemma, unpublished 90% of his client’s blog posts. This and other SEO measures resulted in a 600% organic traffic increase in 24 months. This example is a successful but bold move, which is why you need to keep a special leads check on your blog portfolio as it leads to content overload issues that do more harm than good. Here’s how you run a content audit with Screaming Frog: 1. Integrate Google Analytics, Google Search Console and Ahrefs to enhance your audit with important metrics: You can integrate all three tools from special leads Configuration → API Access 2. Run a crawl on your website. 3. Export your results into Excel. 4. In Excel, press Ctrl+A to select the entire table. 5. Then click Format as table and select a style. Format as a table special leads and style 6. Finally, sort your table low to high to see the following metrics: Word Count (for thin content) Metrics for Google Analytics, such as users, sessions, conversion rates Metrics for Ahrefs, such as Ahrefs refdomains 7. Make a list of all the low-performing pages and evaluate whether they are worth updating Another tool that is helpful for content audit is BuzzSumo, mainly thanks to its insights into inbound links and social shares. You can also try a similar tool if you have special leads a smaller budget. Note: Re-sharing posts on social media could generate a significant boost to your content. Schedule several social posts into the future for each of your updated blog posts.

Jihadi Khan

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